This took place at a bar close by after the APE exhibitor mixer /pre party, which took place at Last Gasp publishing office/shop. The night became a bit of a blur, as to be expected on halloween in SF.
The next day, arrived an hour early to set things up, I managed to remember everything except for a table cloth! (which I didn't even think about) but a table neighbor was kind enough to loan me his extra one. It was my first time at APE and my first time having my own table so it was triple exciting! and very successful. I sold plenty of prints and books, all silkscreen, and had the pleasure to interact with so many people. It was definitely the best time I've ever had at a con, despite being glued the entire time to my table (although I managed to attend 30 minutes of the "Making of Kramer's Ergot 7" panel, on Sunday)
The Isotope party that Saturday was also an amazing time. I am deeply grateful for my friends, Teddy Hose and Scott Norton for helping me out with my table and for keeping me company! And my mom for bringing me food all weekend.
I will most definitely return to APE next year (too good not to) and I will try to drag with me my very talented, former roommate and close friend Jon Vermilyea (perhaps we will share a table next year? hopefully!)
In other news, Obama is our new president! My friends and I couldn't stop screaming, took ourselves outdoors and everyone else felt the same. Tabitha asked me to paint an Obama mural in their household, i might do it if I find time (still in mural painting mode, especially after Asa's ginormous one)
Now that APE is over, I'm continuing my work for my next show which is taking place at Gallery1988 (SF), opening in March 2009. One of the owners, Katie, who i believe runs the SF location, stopped by my table this weekend to say hi. The group show is going to be a good line up of myself and 3 other very talented female artist, more info to come!

In the mean time, here is my set up at my parents' home as I try to spend the rest of vacation doing a little catch-up.
This is the birds eye view where I have a view of the porch ahead of me and a TV next to that. I pay most of my attention to music and reference photos on my computer.

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