I've been spreading the word and spreading it good. Pretty much been emailing not only all of my friends, but friend's friends, acquaintances, EVERYONE about this. I've been eagerly anticipating MoCCA fest for what feels like very long weeks! And the weekend has finally arrived, eeeeeeee!

I'm especially looking forward to running into old school colleagues, professors, and the huge array of cartoonists/artists making an appearance. I'll be in a panel which will take place on Sunday, moderated by my old professor. There's quite a few panels that I'm really looking forward to.
I'm going to try and make it to all of these night events, surrounding MoCCA (most of which takes place within walking distance from my apartment :)
Paul Hornschemeier book signing + party
FRIDAY 7-9PM 540 Desert Island Comics shop: Metropolitan ave, btwn Union and Lorimer
"Join us in celebrating the release of a new silkscreen edition with one of our favorite artists.
Paul Hornschemeier will be here to sign books and hang out.
We will have beer.
We will also have copies of our brand-new free comic newspaper Smoke Signal. Grab a copy before they disappear!"
Future Ink Comics Art Show and Release Party
FRIDAY 8:30PM-11PM Eye-Level BQE Gallery, 364 Leonard St. (near Desert Island)
"Comics publishers Secret Acres, Bodega Distribution, and Sparkplug Books are proud to present some brand new ink of the future ....in conjunction with this year’s MOCCA
Arts Festival!...
...Artists will be signing copies of their new books and selling
limited edition prints and artwork. And refreshments will be served courtesy of the publishers! So come on down to the side of the of the freeway. Come one, come all and come early to see the ink of the future!"
Windy Corner at Giant Robot plus after party at our house!
SATURDAY, 6:30-8:30PM,
437 E. 9th st. East Village.
Afterparty @LOFT: off the J train, first stop into brooklyn
"In addition to the opening reception Panelists V, Giant Robot will also host the debut of three new comics including Windy Corner #3. Meet the artists behind the
Ignatz award nominated magazine and get a signed copy of the new issue."
...THEN, after the signing, come to 282 broadway for a big mocca after party that is also sorta a party for Nate Doyle's Crooked teeth #4, JULIACKS/Olga's Rock that never Sleeps and Fart Party v. 2. there will be: live music by nate's band HINGES, a small art show on our walls, pot luck and more cool stuff!"