The opening reception was incredible! I couldn't believe all the people who made it out! It was good to see my neighbors, my Brooklyn roommate and all his friends, former weekend art students (circa YWCA!), SOTA kids, people i've met at Wondercon, even people I met last year at APE (!) and some folks I met on trivia night that very week turned out for the opening. WOW! Met a ton of new people as well. The night blew my mind!
I wasn't able to take any pictures, but here are some photos courtesy of friends and the gallery:
from left to right: my friend Scott, neighbors Paul and Jon, and myself
my parents and me looking fascinated by whatever Sarah is saying (Sarah, my former art teacher from the Y)
it was packed!!!
from left to right: Camilla, Krista, Allison, me
Also, there's a nice write up of the show on ARTslant: