Here are some photos of the screen printing I've been doing over the past couple weeks:
I went in to print shop right when it opened for the school year and it was real nice because nobody was there.
Some mushroom prints on the rack.
Part of my inspiration for determining the palette of the illustrations is the growing popularity of risograph printing. I purposely limited myself to 2 colors for a lot of the book because of it and I'm really happy with the results.
Bone folding paper. Also, the zine comes in 2 different color covers!
One of the last steps after stapling, putting it through the guillotine. (the weird looking water bottle is filled with coffee in case anyone is curious....)
Finally, Small Press Expo, here I come! This will be may first time exhibiting at SPX. I've attended previous years and it's loads of fun. I'll be tabling with my friend, the very lovely and incredibly talented Jess Ruliffson, find us at table D12. I also booked a hotel room which will be jam packed with old and new friends. Like every year, SPX will make hanging out in Bethesda a crazy good time like no other. So stoked!!